January 1, 2022 was not just New Year’s Day in the intellectual property world. It also marked Public Domain Day, when a new wave of works became unlocked from the registered copyrights. In 2022, this means that songs, books, films, and other expressive works...
Marks Gray
Happy New Year Tips for Business Owners
Welcome to 2022! I thought we could start off the new year with a few tips for business owners to help prevent bigger problems in the future. Identify Intellectual Property Assets of Your Company – and Document in an Inventory Sheet Make a list of all intellectual...
Do Twitter Algorithms Create Unauthorized Derivative Works? Ask Genevieve Morton
Supermodel Genevieve Morton has engaged in another tussle with Twitter over unauthorized posting of her images. This comes on the tails of a suit from 2020. This time, the culprit is Magic Pony Technology, a third-party photo algorithm company acquired by Twitter. One...
Trademark Registration or Copyright Registration, What is the Difference, and Do I Need One?
Do you own a business? Or are you an author, photographer, or composer who openly publishes your work? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then it might be beneficial to ask yourself: “Do I own any trademarks? Have I published any works that need copyright...
Joint Ownership of Intellectual Property Means You Cannot Act Alone
I recently came across an interesting legal case involving joint ownership and trademark registration. Here is an overview of the case and its implications. Yogi Bhajan was an Indian-born yoga and spiritual teacher who introduced his version of Kundalini yoga to the...
World Anti-Counterfeiting Day: INTA Updates Their Publication Regarding Counterfeits on the Internet
The International Trademark Association (INTA), celebrated World Anti-Counterfeiting Day on June 8, 2021, by publishing an update on their publication Addressing the Sale of Counterfeits on the Internet. This guide was prepared by volunteer members of the INTA...
Tip for Business Owners: Do Not Select a Similar Name for Your Business as a Competitor
A trademark is defined as a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as a source identifier of a company or product. The name of your business most often will serve as a trademark for your business. In other words, if you provide a good product...
What Does Coca-Cola Have to Do With Concealed-Carry?
A few weeks ago, we witnessed a rare ruling in the trademark world. Some say a precedent was established, but the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) disagrees. To set the scene: in March 2020, Robert Troy Hoff of Chicago applied to register a trademark for a...