As a business immigration attorney, one of the things I get the most questions about from clients is the I-9 verification process -- and it's easy to see why! I-9 verification is complicated, confusing, and full of lots of specific rules and requirements. That's why I...
VIDEO: 10 Day E-Verify Timeline
In this video, Immigration Business and Compliance attorney Giselle Carson talks about the new 10 day E-Verify Timeline.
VIDEO: July 2021 Immigration Updates
Check out Business Immigration and Compliance attorney Giselle Carson's July 2021 Immigration updates!
O-1 Questions: What Articles Qualify as “Scholarly Articles”?
One of the many possible things you can submit with your O-1 application to show that you are at the top of your field is a scholarly article (or several!) that you have had published. What exactly makes an article "scholarly," though? What kinds of pieces should you...
O-1 Questions: What Is Needed to Prove Contributions of Major Significance to Your Field?
If you want to qualify for an O-1 visa, you need to show that you are one of the best in your particular field. One of the ways to do this is to show that you have made major contributions to that field. These contributions must be original, and they can be...
O-1 Questions: How Can You Show Evidence of Judging Others’ Work?
In order to qualify for an O-1 visa, it is important to convince USCIS that you are successful and well-respected in your specific field. One accomplishment that can go a long way towards proving this argument is if you have served as a judge over other people's work....
O-1 Questions: What Published Materials and Awards Show You’re at the Top of Your Field?
When applying for an O-1 visa, you may need to show evidence of working “at the top of your field”. This could include internationally recognized awards and publications. You may wonder, what are some specific examples of these materials? What awards or publications...
VIDEO: June Immigration Updates
Check out Marks Gray Business Immigration & Compliance attorney Giselle Carson's June Immigration updates!