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Handling Domain Names in the Wake of the New gTLDs

by | Nov 5, 2015 | News

Crystal T. Broughan, Esq.





By: Crystal T. Broughan, Esq.

In May 2015, I had the good fortune to attend the International Trademark Association’s (INTA) Annual Conference in San Diego, California. Each morning as I walked to the convention center and each afternoon when I walked back to the hotel, there were people standing on street corners with big signs saying “.sucks” (Dotsucks). There were also many cars with big “.suck” signs on their roof. In the exhibitors’ hall at the conference there was a large “.sucks” exhibit where people could engage in conversations about the regulation of domain names and First Amendment free speech rights Needless to say, the .SUCKS campaign got my attention.

As a Trademark Lawyer, I couldn’t help but wonder: how can I better educate my clients about the latest developments with domain names? How do companies protect their brand and domain names in light of the expansion of domain names throughout the world? Read more…


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