Marks Gray attorneys and team members to assist clients in navigating temporary restrictions and are working hard to minimize the impact on your important legal work and issues.
On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, The Supreme Court of Florida issued an Administrative Order with new instructions to help mitigate the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the courts, court participants and the general public. While Courts will continue to hear essential proceedings, the Order suspended legal time limits, grand jury proceedings, jury selection proceedings and jury trials for two weeks beginning March 16. The Order also allowed for the use of communication equipment for remote proceedings.
In Duval County, the Fourth Judicial Circuit is working to minimize personal appearances in the courtroom, conducting civil hearings by telephone or video, setting trials only through email and encouraging all parties to confer on upcoming hearings that might be resolved without the need for a hearing. The Court also asked that all people without business in the courthouse refrain from going in the building.
Marks Gray attorneys will be in touch with their clients with current business with the courts to help navigate these temporary processes and restrictions. Marks Gray attorneys have adjusted all processes to align with this order and are committed to helping all our clients through this temporary issue.
More information of both of these actions by the Courts can be found at:
Supreme Court of Florida
The Fourth Judicial Circuit County Court