Edward L. Birk, Shareholder at Marks Gray, P.A. re-elected as 2016-2017 Treasurer of ADTA
Edward Birk, a First Amendment and news media partner at Marks Gray, P.A., was re-elected as Treasurer of the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys (ADTA) at their 75th Annual Meeting in Monterey, CA. He will serve the organization as Treasurer for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The Association of Defense Trial Attorneys has two main objectives: to provide an opportunity for proven, successful defense trial attorneys to network with similarly qualified attorneys, and to have a ready referral source for clients needing similarly qualified attorneys.
“Membership in the ADTA is an honor,” said Mr. Birk. “These are all highly accomplished attorneys, and most of all ADTA members are people we all like to learn from and who we feel comfortable referring our clients to when they have legal needs in other states. Marks Gray has been involved with the ADTA since the early 1960s, a long commitment to the networking mission of the ADTA.”
Mr. Birk has been a member of the ADTA since 2003, a member of the Executive Council (2010-2013) and held the office of Treasurer since 2013.