In my many years as an IP attorney, I have helped businesses with countless trademarks. Over this time, I have not only become well-acquainted with trademark law and the value and reasons for registering a trademark, but also the types of questions and concerns people typically have about the process.
Because of this, I compiled some of my advice and knowledge in an eBook — Trademark Basics and Best Practices for Businesses. It is now available for free on the Marks Gray website, and I highly recommend that business owners and entrepreneurs download it.
Inside, you will find information on:
- what you can and can’t register,
- what makes a trademark strong,
- how to decide on a trademark,
- what the benefits and costs are,
- how the filing process works,
- what you can do to protect your trademarks,
- and more information about trademark best practices.
If you are ready to file a trademark registration, please reach out to the Marks Gray intellectual property team for advice specific to your situation.