Home / Insights / Shareholder and Jacksonville Aviation Authority Chair appears on This Week in Jacksonville

Shareholder and Jacksonville Aviation Authority Chair appears on This Week in Jacksonville

by | Oct 30, 2017 | Immigration, Immigration Team News

Marks Gray Business Immigration and Compliance Attorney Giselle Carson shares her vision to “Dazzle and Delight”, as the newly appointed Chair of the Jacksonville Aviation Authority ,on Sunday, October 29th, This Week in Jacksonville  show. 

Ms. Carson discusses further development of Cecil Airport as well as the plan to add direct flights from Jacksonville to Los Angeles, California. In 2018, JAX celebrates its 50th anniversary at its current location. A new exhibit, “Jacksonville Takes Flight: North Florida Aviation History from 1878 to 1941.”  features the area’s aviation milestones and memorabilia from an era when Florida was sparsely populated and Jacksonville was the state’s “big city,” the new space also allows travelers to view aircraft movement on the ramp.

In addition to a wall mural featuring highlights and photos of significant events in Jacksonville’s aviation history, seven cases display a variety of aviation artifacts. Ms. Carson shares travelers will be “wowed” as they access interactive display monitors that reveal more interesting information about our area’s long term relationship with aviation. 

Click here to view Ms. Carson’s appearance on This Week in Jacksonville beginning at :35.






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