When you go out with friends to a karaoke bar, probably one of the last questions on your mind is: “Did the bar license this music?” Yet, bars and venues that stream music must pay fees in order to respect musicians’ copyrights and stay in the legal clear. However,...
New Group Copyright Registration Option for News Sites
A new group copyright registration option went into effect on July 22 of this year. The U.S. Copyright Office now allows news sites to register multiple “published updates…within the same calendar month” at the same time, rather than having to individually register...
A Washing Machine Chime & Copyright Fraud on YouTube
The internet has opened a broad field of intellectual property questions since its inception in the 1990s as varied as each new function introduced by an app or website. The increasing availability of media online has made infringement as easy as clicking “Save image...
Influencer Showdown: Navigating Copyright Battles in the Social Media Arena
Written by Guest Blogger John Barry, 3L student at Florida State University, College of Law Can you be held liable for copyright infringement if your social media posts are too similar to another person’s posts? One plaintiff thinks so. This question has been raised...
Reggaeton Artists Face Massive Copyright Suit
Can a beat that underlies an entire genre of music become the basis of a copyright infringement claim? A recent case raising this question about reggaeton music has taken a small step forward – not toward a definite answer, but toward further exploration of a...
Amazon US Website Found to Infringe UK Trademarks
If your company is authorized to sell a certain brand of products in a place other than its country of origin, could you still get hit with a trademark infringement claim? It is possible. In a recent case decided by the High Court in the UK, Amazon was found liable...
Is the Cease-and-Desist against Spotify a Stunt – or a Valid Copyright Complaint?
Spotify has been under fire for various reasons as of late. The UMAW has criticized their low streaming pay rates, at less than a penny per listen. Indie musicians have reacted vociferously to the change of its royalty structure, which now pays nothing to artists with...
The Damage Is Done: Supreme Court Rules on Copyright Statute of Limitations
We know that one rule of intellectual property is that the onus is on the copyright owner to enforce their copyright. This means that they must put effort into finding copyright infringers in order to pursue claims and protect their property. However, you may be...