This downloadable PDF was written with the assistance of Ellen Mazujian, our newest team member who served as an International Student Advisor at NYU before joining us. In the document, you'll find answers to FAQs about the transition, including information on...
What Are the Options Beyond the H-1B?
Unfortunately, some new H-1B petitions will not be accepted this year or might not get approved. I explore the options beyond the H-1B with my clients. But I’m so passionate about helping our clients achieve their immigration goals that I took the time to write a book...
Architecture Designated as STEM Subject – But Status Quo for Immigration
In 2018, Congress passed a bill which officially recognized architecture as a STEM subject. This is significant for the profession as it will lead, among others, to a needed more diverse workforce and increase funds to promote and modernize education in architecture....
Ongoing Instability for International Students
For the first time in many, many years, the number of international students and scholars at US universities declined. This decline is attributed to various factors. Uncertainty about visa policies. Instability about OPT and CPT options. And yes, the United States...
Alert about Employees in F-1 Status Changing to H-1B
Most students in F-1 or J-1 status are exempt from FICA (Medicare and Social Security) taxes, but once an employee’s status changes to H-1B, that exemption ends. They will become subject to FICA taxes. As the employer, you must begin withholding FICA taxes upon...