The First Step to an Employment-Based “Green Card” -The Labor Certification Process (PERM) Phase 1: Case Strategy, PERM initiation, Job Requirements Determination, and Prevailing Wage Determination There are 3 steps to obtaining a green card based on employment: 1)...
FAQ: Immigration Business Plan for L-1s and E-2 Investors Visas
Our latest post in our Frequently Asked Questions about Immigration has been posted on our website. Click here to download your copy today! L-1 and E-2 Treaty Investors Visas Background L-1 Visas are a useful and effective vehicle for multinational companies to...
FAQ: DACA, DAPA and SCOTUS – U.S. v. Texas Decision
About the Decision: On June 23, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) issued a one-sentence per curium ruling in U.S. v. Texas, simply stating “The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided court”. This 4-4 decision left in place the Fifth Circuit ruling blocking the...
What is the National Visa Center (NVC)?
The NVC is a Department of State (DOS) facility that handles immigrant visa-processing. They act as a liaison between USCIS, the green card applicant(s) and the consular post abroad. What is the National Visa Center (NVC)? The NVC is a Department of State (DOS)...
What should I do before the immigration interview?
What should I do before the interview? Obtain one (1) 2×2 passport-style photograph. Complete the online Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application, Form DS-160, which can be accessed at and print the confirmation page with barcode. pay...
How do I prepare an Immigration Business Plan?
Immigration Business Plan for L-1s and E-2 Investors Visas L-1 and E-2 Treaty Investors Visas Background L-1 Visas are a useful and effective vehicle for multinational companies to establish or expand their presence in the U.S., and to bring qualified personnel. For...
How does the DACA, DAPA and SCOTUS U.S. v. Texas Decision affect me?
FAQ: DACA, DAPA and SCOTUS U.S. v. Texas Decision About the Decision: On June 23, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) issued a one-sentence per curium ruling in U.S. v. Texas, simply stating “The judgement is affirmed by an equally divided court”. This 4-4 decision...
FAQ: National Visa Center (NVC) Processing
To download a PDF version, click here. What is the National Visa Center (NVC)? The NVC is a Department of State (DOS) facility that handles immigrant visa processing. They act as a liaison between USCIS, the green card applicant(s) and the consular post abroad. After...