On January 31, 2018, Marks Gray news media and First Amendment attorney Edward Birk was interviewed outside the Duval County courthouse by New4Jax. Birk represents Graham Media Group/News4Jax in a dispute about what evidence will be made public in the high-profile...
Marks Gray P.A.
Help! My Parent Has Died, and I Don’t Know Where to Begin
Co-authored by Sharon L. Palmer, ACP, FRP It is not unusual for our office to receive calls from a recent decedent’s family members who have little knowledge of their loved one’s assets and debts. They are often at a loss as to where to begin to find that information....
Public Record or Trade Secret?
Down at the crossroads where innovative private enterprise meets good accountable government, there can be collisions between public records and trade secrets. Under Florida’s strong public records laws, which protects the commercially valuable secrets of those who do...
A Challenge for Readers: Who Qualifies as ‘the News Media’?
A perennial question in this internet age is, “Who exactly does qualify as the news media?” In the days when Gutenberg invented movable type, the number of printing presses could be counted on fingers and toes. Today, with the internet as every man or woman’s printing...
Required Minimum Distributions Part 2 – How Qualified Charitable Distributions Can Minimize the Tax Impact of RMDs
Co–authored by Kristine M. Scott, Estate Planning Associate As discussed in part 1, the IRS requires you to begin withdrawing a minimum amount annually from traditional IRAs (and from most 401ks) once you reach age 70 ½. These minimum withdrawal amounts are called...
Turning 70½ in 2018? What You Need to Know about RMDs
Are you one of the millions of Americans with an IRA or 401k who have recently turned 70 or will reach that age in 2018? There are a few rules you need to know to avoid heavy penalties by the IRS for failure to take the proper required minimum distribution, commonly...
Attorney David Boies’s Career-Killing Ethical Breach for Weinstein
Many have wondered how Harvey Weinstein’s story went unreported for so long. Part of the reason may have come to light in a recent New Yorker article. According to the New Yorker article, and other news coverage, Weinstein hired attorneys and private intelligence...
Medicaid Planning 101: What You Need to Know
Medicaid is the joint state-federal program that pays for nursing home benefits. Since it is a joint program, the requirements vary from state to state, although the program itself is fairly uniform. This summary reflects only Florida law, and is current as of...