Marks Gray

Alert to Trademark Owners

Crystal Broughan, Esq. March 2017 Trademark owners who have multiple products and services listed in a single class may now have to prove that their products or services are actually being used in commerce.  The newly published final rule recently issued by the United...

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Fraudulent Trademark Solicitations

Often, I receive telephone calls from clients who have received a document through the U.S. mail that looks like official correspondence from a government agency telling the client that there is a deadline to file a document with the Trademark office or offering to manage their trademarks. These solicitations are scams…If you have a pending trademark application or you own trademarks that are registered through the U.S.P.T.O. be careful to read any correspondence you may receive pertaining to the application or registration.

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How to Protect Your Registered Trademark

By Crystal Broughan, Esq. Marks Gray, P.A. Business owners often believe that once they obtain a trademark registration from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) their trademark is protected.   But they need to actively protect their trademarks on an...

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