Currently, Disney faces multiple termination of copyright notices filed on behalf of five comic writers and artists of the original Marvel Comics. The artists (or their heirs) claim that they played pivotal development roles in creating characters like Spider-Man and...
Year: 2021
Janice Richardson arrival announcement in the Jacksonville Daily Record
Check out this past Monday's Jacksonville Daily Record announcing Janice Richardson's start with Marks Gray! Farah & Farah, Marks Gray and Boyd & Jenerette add attorneys | Jax Daily Record | Jacksonville Daily Record - Jacksonville, Florida
What Proactive Steps Can Employers Take to Lessen the Likelihood of Form I-9 Investigation or Fines?
This is the tenth and final post in a series promoting the publication of my new book: I-9 Employment Verification eGuide: A Practical and Time-Saving Resource for HR Professionals. This free guide helps HR professionals navigate the many routes of the I-9...
Edward Birk elected to the Florida First Amendment Foundation’s Board of Trustees!
Congratulations to First Amendment attorney Edward Birk for being named to the Florida First Amendment Foundation's Board of Trustees! The First Amendment Foundation believes that government openness and transparency are critical to citizen trust and involvement in...
Crystal Broughan appointed to Anticounterfeiting Committee!
Congratulations to Marks Gray Intellectual Property attorney Crystal T. Broughan for being appointed to the Anticounterfeiting Committee of the International Trademark Association (INTA) for the 2022-2023 year! The committee will monitor developments in treaties,...
One Trademark Scammer Caught! Many More To Go
Trademark scammers abound in the marketplace. Their aim: to defraud legitimate trademark owners who have taken the time to register their trademarks with the USPTO. I have warned clients and potential clients for years about these scams. Recently, one scammer was...
Form I-9 Verification Violations: How are the Penalties Determined?
This is the ninth post in a series promoting the publication of my new book: I-9 Employment Verification eGuide: A Practical and Time-Saving Resource for HR Professionals. This free guide helps HR professionals navigate all the details of the I-9 verification process....
What should you know about the easing of COVID-19 travel restrictions for certain foreign nationals?
The White House announced plans to ease travel restrictions on certain international travelers coming into the United States beginning in early November 2021. The plan will rescind the current geographic COVID-19 related travel bans implemented for individuals from...