INTA Conference: Monumental Trip to Singapore
When the International Trademark Association (INTA) announced several years ago that the 2020 Annual Meeting was going to be in Singapore, I debated whether or not I should attend. Many of my friends in the organization encouraged me to attend this international...
The Right to Copyrights: How Should Ownership Be Passed on After Death?
Imagine that you are the landlord of an elderly, reclusive tenant who has been with you for decades. Right before the tenant dies, he is moved to a nursing home and tells you he does not need anything from his apartment. It is all “yours.” He certainly does not give...
Marks Gray Expands Intellectual Property Practice
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 14, 2023 – Marks Gray, housing one of the region’s largest full-service intellectual property practices, has expanded with the addition of a patent agent. Josephine Chen has joined the practice as a patent agent registered to provide patent...
Who Owns the Air Rights in Sarasota?
To real estate outsiders, the concept of air rights often comes as an almost whimsical surprise. “You can own the sky above a building? I didn’t even know that was a thing!” But for the initiated, it is well understood that the air above a building can greatly affect...
The Complexities of a Trademark for a Shape
Can you register a trademark for a shape if that shape defines your product? The answer, in typically maddening IP law manner, is: Yes… but it depends. And for shapes specifically, the factors are stricter than a word or logo mark. A recent filing by the grower Little...
Taco Tuesday Trademark
Sometimes your business does not need to register a mark to make headway in its marketing – sometimes it is more beneficial to file a Petition for Cancellation of a trademark before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). This action may help if ownership of the...
“Rick Roll” or Legitimate Lawsuit: Rick Astley Sues Rapper Yung Gravy Over Soundalike Song
Some may know British singer Rick Astley from his performance of 1987 hit song “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Or from the song’s internet phenomenon resurgence in 2007, rising to one billion views on YouTube by 2021. However, in January of this year, Astley and the famed...
Attention Florida Employers: What You Need to Know about FL 1718!
There are key changes and requirements in immigration compliance in the State of Florida starting July 1st, 2023. This document summarizes key sections of the 43-page law for you. As of July 1st, 2023, when Florida Law 1718 takes effect, all private employers in...