Giselle Carson shares information about preparing for your consular processing interview. And she reminds you to relax, be yourself, and smile! Have a great interview. Watch the video.
How to Correct Your I-94
You must check your electronic I-94 admission record every time you re-enter the United States. It is evidence of your legal status and status expiration date. If your record contains incorrect information, contact a CBP Deferred Inspection office as soon as possible....
Upcoming Extension of the Form I-9
USCIS has proposed an extension of the Form I-9, which will otherwise expire on August 31, 2019. The public comment period ended on July 5. And the extension is expected to go ahead as planned. Read USCIS’s Announcement.
Happy 4th of July from the Marks Gray Immigration Team!
Red, White, and You! Learning about your options empowers you to achieve your goals. That's why we've made it our mission to provide you with practical and timely immigration information. Thank you for your readership and partnership… and Happy 4th of July! -...
How to Verify the Work Authorization of Your F-1 Cap-Gap Students
For Form I-9 purposes, the following documents can serve as evidence of work authorization for cap-gap students: Expired EADs and Form I-20s endorsed by DSO recommending the cap-gap extension. These are acceptable through September 30 during the year the H-1B...
Visa Applications Now Require Social Media Info
The Department of State has updated application forms for immigrant and nonimmigrant visas to include requests for additional information, including emails, phone numbers, and social media identifiers. Applicants must now submit any usernames used on Facebook,...
FAQ: Non-Immigrant Visa Consular Processing
Non-immigrant visa consular processing can be a stressful process. This guide will help prepare those seeking a new visa at a consular post and facilitate the process. Download now.
We Welcome our New COO
We are pleased to introduce Kevin P. Russell, our new Chief Operating Officer. Kevin brings more than 25 years of experience in the legal field, most recently serving as the COO for a South Florida litigation boutique law firm for the past six years. He is also very...