Scams, deceptive offers, and solicitations from third-party vendors are abundant in the world of trademarks. Trademark owners who choose to register their trademarks through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) usually start receiving misleading...
Marks Gray
Bearing False Witness or False Goods
Written by Guest Author, Marks Gray Associate Logan McEwen The internet and associated commerce significantly reduced barriers for the entry of new and small businesses, primarily in marketing and consumer reach. What business owners (and their attorneys) now...
Information You Need To Know Before You File A Copyright Application
Filing a copyright application can seem like an easy process until you get stumped. So here are a few issues to think about before you complete the application: What type of work are you trying to register? Literary Work – books, poetry, directories, catalogs,...
Photographers and Owners of Copyright Registrations, Beware of State Sovereign Immunity Issues!
Photographers frequently encounter businesses and individuals who want to use their work without giving credit or paying for the right to use the photos. A pending copyright infringement case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court may make it easier for states to get...
So You Want To Register Your Trademark: What Do You Need Before You Begin
“I want to trademark my logo, what do I need to do?” This is a common question we hear from potential clients. My first inclination is to let the potential client know that the logo, if it is being used in commerce to identify the source of a company’s goods and...
Court Finds Goats on a Roof Are Not Offended by Trade Dress Registration Depicting…Well, Goats on a Roof
When a New York attorney found a long-standing Sister Bay, WI, restaurant’s trade dress demeaning to goats, he filed a petition to cancel the trade dress registration with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). Specifically, he stated that the trade dress...
5 New Year Tips for Business Owners
Written by Guest Author, Marks Gray Associate Logan McEwen Happy New Year! Start off the new decade the right way for your business with the following tips to protect your growth and curb problems early. Audit Your Trademark Registrations and Business Accounts The...
The Trouble with Tom Brady’s Battle to Trademark ‘Tom Terrific’
Tom Brady’s attorneys recently filed a trademark application for the nickname ‘Tom Terrific,’ and the news quickly spurred backlash from fans of the New York Mets. You see, legendary Mets pitcher Tom Seaver was dubbed ‘Tom Terrific’ by the media long before Brady was...