Written By Guest Author, Marks Gray Summer Law Clerk Corrine H. Bowden What do Louis Vuitton luxury handbags have in common with “Chewy Vuiton” dog toys? According to the Fourth Circuit, not enough. The court’s November 2007 ruling in favor of the underdog in Louis...
Crystal Broughan, Intellectual Property Attorney
What to Know about Copyright Protection for Presentation Materials
Presentations are given every day to a wide variety of audiences throughout the world. Professional consultants provide presentations on leadership development, handling stress, how to improve sales techniques, financial investments, real estate sales, and insurance...
Did the City of Pasadena Infringe on the Rose Bowl Trademark?
Last week, U.S. District Judge Andre Birotte dismissed a lawsuit on behalf of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association (The Association) against the City of Pasadena. The lawsuit included several claims: The Association sought a declaration that the City of...
What’s Mine Is…Yours? Distinguishing Trade Secrets from Other Forms of IP
Written By Guest Author, Marks Gray Summer Law Clerk Corrine H. Bowden Let’s say you develop a formula, method, or process, build a client list, or other compilation of information at work that derives independent economic value for the company and your employer takes...
Tips for Business Owners: Registering Your Company Name as a Trademark – The Importance of Classes
Clients often tell me they just want to “trademark” the name of their company -- using trademark as a verb. I explain that the company name is the trademark, and that they need to register the trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). ...
How Do You Obtain Permission to Use Someone Else’s Original Copyright Protected Materials?
Preparing copyright applications for clients can lead to tough questions, such as, “Does this book only contain your original work? Not original work from a third party?” I always review the complete, submitted work that is the subject of a copyright application for...
Webinar: What You Should Do to Prepare for the FY22 H-1B Cap Season
https://youtu.be/0zP6eZnCMP0 The time is now to finalize your cases for the FY22 H-1B Cap Season. This webinar will break down: the fundamentals of the H-1B cap process the registration process the timelines and action plan examples of current challenges, and tips...
Jim Moran Institute For Global Entrepreneurship Small Business Executive Program in Jacksonvillle
Are you a small business owner who has been in business for more than three years? Do you need help with strategic planning, digital marketing, financial analysis, protection of intellectual property, human resource issues, or succession planning? If so, you may be...